1825 results found
Daily work
Possibility to have a specific work for everyday for example we do board math everyday and would like to make sure everyone is doing it.
5 votesThis is going to be handled by something we are calling “Checklists” hopefully in the next couple months.
Enter a new lesson from activity page
When I type #MyNewLesson, and I should get a dropdown that has the option "Create this lesson" so that i don't have to go to a different page to create the lesson.
9 votesThis is a good idea, we just need to get to it, priority wise
1 vote
Allow pictures to be moved from one classroom to another.
We have some students who spend the morning in one class, and Extended Day in another. If I take a picture of a child from the other classroom through the app, I cannot tag the child.
3 votesThis is a good idea. It’s just a matter of prioritization. For now you can work around it by downloading the image and uploading it in the other classroom.
As a parent, I want to start a discussion around a note / picture with a teacher.
Perhaps I can leave a comment. Comments perhaps rise to the top of the page for teachers? Maybe there is an idea of a TODO section w/ comments and untagged photos?
25 votes
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