Annual Plan
Is it possible to be able to import our annual plan - and then have it self generate(like a calendar feature) for each week or month we have imported?
Terri L Zuidema commented
We import many document links to "pages". We are heavy Google Doc users and many of our links are to live documents so if updates and/or changes are made in a form the users will always see the most up to date information when viewing. I don't know if there are other programs like Google Docs but it saves time from having to delete or upload new documents every time a change or update is made.
Meagan Ledendecker commented
It would be lovely for Transparent Classroom to have an Annual Planning tool, so as to map out album chapters and presentations throughout the year . . . which then informs the weekly presentation plan. For elementary, at least, the plan could include tags for the type of presentation (e.g. sensorial, passage 1, passage 2, or abstraction).