let parents see the same "photos" menu which teachers upload photos (left section).
You can just insert "photos" menu in the parents' view page. I think this is simple because the menu is already in the system.
when a parent click his child's name, he could see his own child's photos and activity lessons.... attendance...all the information are sorted by child. In the page, he would not see other children's photos so he can focus on his child. ( you don't have to change this child page)
** If the parent click "photos" in the left section, he also see all photos of the class. so he could get more information about the class activities and Montessori lessons even though his child has not participate or presented in the photo.
Teachers cannot take every child's photo at every event or activity but may want to share it with parents.
For teachers who don't want to share this, I think they can check "private" box when they add caption.
If you make this work, I don't have to make another documents to share the class activities with parents such as newsletters. I want to focus only one work; transparent classroom or making newsletters. I made newsletter before using Transparentclassroom. why do I have to do similar work twice?
I hope you understand my suggestion and other teachers and parents would benefit from this idea. Plus, you don't have to create something new. Just extend the "photos" menu (left section) to parents.

Manuela Hutter commented
yes, same situation here. parents should be able to see all photos of their classroom.