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  1. Is it possible to get the COVID screening questions to pop up under the parent sign in as well as the attendance tab? We are a licensed center and a signature is required. It would be one less step to do screening and parent signature at the same time. Thanks for the consideration.

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  2. Many of our students have a preferred name. It would be extremely beneficial to have a Preferred Name field as well as a Preferred pronoun field in all of the name records (especially children) but Parents, Staff, Family members too!

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  3. The ability to search/filter announcements (date/classroom/search word or term/ etc)

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  4. Download Photos by Date Range:
    It is imperative for us to be able to download the photo file by date range. We download photos weekly to our google drives to utilize for yearbook. etc. It can take 30 minutes to download the photo zip file each time. It would be so efficient to just grab the newest photos for the download.

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  5. When I type #MyNewLesson, and I should get a dropdown that has the option "Create this lesson" so that i don't have to go to a different page to create the lesson.

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  6. When you go to the lesson page, it should show you all the standards mapped to that lesson. We should only show standards that the school cares about.

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  7. 9 votes

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  8. Parents should be able to click on another parent's name and email them (without necessarily seeing their email info)

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  9. Add an inquiry form for prospective parents who are interested in more information or to schedule a tour, but are not necessarily ready to fill out an application. That way we can better track conversion rates through TC. Once the application is submitted, it can be merged with the inquiry rather than having to keep track of inquiries on a separate spreadsheet or program.

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  10. For planning purposes, allow the same lesson for the same child to be entered over multiple days e.g. Sam needs to have a lesson on "puzzle words level one" every day for the next week.

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  11. I would like application received notifications to school, to go to more than one staff email address

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  12. Allow the creation of custom groups for recordingkeeping on the Activity page. Currently there is an option for "@allchildren". I would like to make a custom group for the 3 cycle of children I have. For example, if I put "@fullcycle", it would populate with the 4 full cycle children I designated that year or "@beginningcycle", it would populate with the 16 beginning cycle I designated for that year. This would allow fast entries on the Activity page rather than typing in a large group of names.

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  13. I am interested in whether there will be a feature that can refresh a conference report template, so we can change the template even after we have started working on reports. We would like to be able to refresh the conference report template so the newest version with the edited text boxes appears in an already existing report without losing the comments that have already been entered.

    For example: If we create a template and then start working on a conference report draft, then find that there is an error (or something else we wish to change) in the template…

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  14. Toileting - this age is not quite old enough for the accept/decline option to show to parents. It makes it seem as though we are pushing toilet training early and can cause undue stress. Two suggestions: 1) Create a Diapering option within Daily Tracking or 2) Remove or make optional the currently required accept/decline buttons

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  15. Some of our forms contain sensitive information. Is there a way to lock a form's visibility to only be administrators?

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  16. We have had to repeatedly reject forms because we cannot offer parents explanations until pick up time as to why the form was rejected. This would help the parents and us in processing time for some of these required time sensitive forms. For example: if a form is missing a phone number or address, we have to reject that form, having an explanation field would help us more quickly disseminate that information more quickly leading to less rejections and time spent on forms.

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  17. When I look at a child's attendance chart it would be helpful to see the dates of closure, whether weekend, snow days, holidays with a color block to offset them from school days.
    Then I might also be able to see a total of days closed / days open monthly.

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  18. Is there a place on TC where we can direct parents to for Optional Forms such as medication or sunscreen forms?

    We don't want to assign the forms to all the parents, but we do want them to be able to go to a link where they can fill out these forms.

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  19. When a parent completes a form, we need more than just one staff member to be notified.For example, when a new family signs the enrollment contract, our Admissions Dept and our Business Office need to know immediately.

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  20. We would like the concentration to show the patterns from the weeks/months for both the child and the class as a whole. That way we can observe the work curves in order see the trends in our classes. Looking at one day is not an effective way to analyze the behavior/work patterns of children.

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