1825 results found
Merge lessons from two different classrooms
A former employee created a second classroom with different lessons than the main classroom. That employee left, and students remain. I would like to merge the lessons that are similar from the former employee's TC classroom with the main classroom lessons. How? I've checked the FAQ but can only move lessons within one classroom, not from one to another. Help.
4 votes -
Monthly - Yearly planner
A monthly and (or) even a yearly planner for subjects, without the children. A way to organize the year in advance and then eventually start defining the children for each lesson as the year progresses.
1 vote -
Photo Equity Record
Photo Record & Report: Just as it is a wonderful report to utilize to see how many lessons have been given to particular children to ensure equitability, it would be nice to have a similar feature for photos. A way to be able to select this report and have it auto-populate the data.
0 votes -
Alphabetize by last names option
Allowing us to alphabetize children by last names on attendance and roster.
1 vote -
Including Adult names for pick-up
We were recently required by our state licensing agency that when teachers sign children in and out we need to include the first and last name of the adult who picks up.
Is there a way to include a drop down list of approved adults from each child's profile so that we are able to indicate who picked the child up?
Either that or make it a little simpler to have parents sign in and out on their own?
Thank you!
1 vote -
Notes sent to Parents
Is it possible to have parents see the 'notes' section from the attendance? We like to communicate with parents using this feature but parents aren't able to see our notes.
1 vote -
attendance notes
In the daily attendance notes section, please give us the option to NOT have the notes sent to parents. We like to use this section to communicate absences to our teachers and would love to have the notes STOP going to the parents.
4 votes -
Master List of Lessons separate from student lesson tracking
Have a "Master Lessons" list that is a separate editable reference space, and from that, teachers can select and pull lessons into their student lesson records as the year goes. It would allow teachers to create a shared database of lessons within a school, but then tailor the instruction each year for their students.
Teachers could also create one-off lessons for a year that don't get placed in the Master List but are recorded for the students who had the lesson; or they could add an especially valuable lesson to the Master List for future use.
1 vote -
Organizing old forms within a Child's Profile
When you are in a child's profile and in the forms section, it would be very helpful to have a drag and drop system to put all of the old forms in a folder of some sort, so they are still accessible, but you don't have to scroll all the way through things to find the current school year forms. (Similar to a Google Drive folder)
6 votes -
Staff / Ratio on Student Attendance
Being able to sign staff in & out to each classroom.
0 votes -
Notification to parents of a form change
Today I made a change to our Acknowledgement of Arrival and Dismissal Policy form which I make families sign at the beginning of each year. I was surprised that when I made changes to the form it automatically changed the form in each child's profile but did not change to form to 'Requested' and then ask the parents to resubmit after seeing and reading the changes.
0 votes -
Teachers (classrooms) adding a lesson.
If each teacher (or classroom) was allocated a colour, then when that teacher adds a lesson, the other teachers will know which teacher added the lesson because that lesson will be typed in that colour. That way, each teacher will know which lessons came with transparent classroom and which teacher has added a lesson.
1 vote -
Assigning future start dates to children when transitioning classrooms
We would love to have the added flexibility of assigning children a start date in a new classroom to allow us to do enrollment projections. For example - a current student is set to transition from the Toddler Classroom to the Primary Classroom on 9/5. Without removing him from the Toddler Classroom, we would like to assign him to the Primary Classroom beginning 9/5 so that we can estimate attendance and classroom enrollment.
8 votes -
Overlapping sessions
I wish there was a way to have old and upcoming classes active during the summer months. We add in a summer camp program but cannot send school wide announcements until the new session becomes active.
3 votes -
student cards under notes
under the notes section for daily tracking, instead of it being a list of students vertically, it wiuld be nice if it was like student cards and then a card for the whole class
0 votes -
Please remove pre-filled lesson description headings.
Do not pre-load the lesson boxes (h3, h2, etc) -- this is much more work for teachers because we need to go through and delete all of that for each lesson every time we add something. In addition, make that text available to edit when adding a lesson (currently you have to create a lesson, then go back into the lesson to edit it).
1 vote -
the ability to allow parents to select all students in their child's classroom to send an email (like for a birthday party invite)
ability for parents to send group emails to their child's classmates. (instead of having to click on each child/parent to see email - the ability to select all to be able to send a birthday invite and eliminate the need to set up google groups to do the same thing) would rather keep one application for communication.
1 vote -
Print first and last names on forms
Have first and last names printed on forms.
When I print a form for our files, it only prints the first name at the top of the form. Unfortunately, I need to be able to file by last name, and while I know most of them, it is helpful to have them printed on the form.
2 votes -
View Immunizations By Session
View immunizations by session
1 vote -
"Parent View" Option
Create a "parent view" similar to the Canvas program that teachers can turn on and off in order to see what the parents see.
1 vote
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