1825 results found
4 votes
Was wondering if we could have schools share exit interviews that they use. No need to reinvent the wheel.
I feel that as a school we would gain valuable information about how we could improve our school by doing an exit interview with both our families that are leaving and our staff. I know there are ones that already exist. Would love to see them.
1 vote -
add in a subject line to divide the lessons on the lesson reference page.
This would allow you to quickly look at the lesson reference page and see the lessons by subject.
3 votes -
Tagging multiple photos at once + photo folder option
A feature I feel would save a BUNCH of time would be the ability to tag a whole group of photos in one go. For example, let's say there's a concert, trip or picnic that all the children are involved in and there's 80 photos of this event. At the moment we have to tag each photo one by one with @AllChildren to share the photos with all parents.
My suggestion is to be able to highlight all (or selected) photos and type the @AllChildren tag once, after which it is applied to all highlighted photos. Not sure how easy/difficult…
31 votes -
I suggest you create an algorithm to measure the progress within a specific lesson area.
The algorithm would be based on the number of lessons in that area and the progress within each lesson. For example, the progress in long division would be connected to all the lessons on racks and tubes, the stamp game, and finally, the long division algorithm on paper. Each lesson would have a score attached to the progress (e.g. not yet introduced = 1, introduced = 2, needs practice = 3, practicing = 4, proficient = 5). Then let's say long division has a total of 10 lessons mapped to it, the score for long division would automatically be generated…
3 votes -
"View Only" Forms for teachers to know what they're sending plus feedback
Looking from a teachers point of view can they be able to view the form to know what exactly they are sending or assigning to the students? Plus they know what they want to know so their feedback would be helpful in creating forms. If I were a teacher, I'd like to know what's available and what I'm assigning. Another set of eyes is helpful too!
1 vote -
Reports: Child Lessons By Area- Option to See the Individual Lessons/Works Recorded when Hovering Over the Number.
When I'm on the Child Lessons by Area page I can see how many lessons or works a child did in each area of the classroom in the table of shaded boxes. Also, I can hover my cursor over the box that says the number of lessons/observations in a given area and a text box pops up. But now, that box just repeats the number ("6 observations). Instead of just repeating the number, could the text box that pops up list the specific lessons/observations/works that were logged and are being used to populate the number in the box? (So instead…
3 votes -
Link the Child's Name on Lesson Plan Page to their individual Progress Page
I love how the lesson plan page works now with being able to check things off, and add lessons. Sometimes I want to be able to quickly look at the child's corresponding progress page as I am working on LP + RC. It would be great to be able to click on their name on the lesson plan page and have it take you to the progress page.
4 votes -
See only "private" marked photos in the activity menu
We use the "Private" feature each time a teacher writes a comment on a picture. The reason is that most teachers being non-native in English, the admin reviews and corrects the language before it goes to parents. It is quite difficult to find the "private" marked pictures. Therefore I suggest a "private" tag on the activity menu.
4 votes -
Show "Accepted" forms in the whole class overview
You can see "Accepted" forms only in each student's profile. It would be helpful to see "Accepted" forms in the overview of the whole class when you click on "Forms".
3 votes -
Include the information on the lesson in the email instead of parents having to click on a link for it
If a teacher tags a lesson, it would be great if you could include the information on that lesson in the email (instead of parents having to click on the link and go into the website to get this). Most of our parents didn't even realize they could click on lessons to get more info.
It's a minor change, but I feel this change would really get parents to feel they better understand what's happening in the classroom.
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4 votes
create visuals that link to lessons presented for Works Created List
In our classroom, we print the lesson reference sheet and have students attach to their workplans to help students know what follow up work they have. It would be AMAZING if we could have a lesson reference sheet with pictures for our developing readers.
1 vote -
Change/Toggle the Progress on the Lesson Reference Sheet
It would be great if there was a feature that could change the Introduce/Beginning/Developing/Etc on the Lesson Reference Sheet. The Lesson Reference Sheet is a convenient place that shows each student's lessons that were introduce, and having a feature that allows you to change the progress as they grow more secure on that skill would be ideal.
1 vote -
internal messaging system
It would be great for teacher privacy and also parents privacy within the directory whilst still being able to communicate, to have an internal messaging system within your software, with internal inboxes for each parent and member of staff.
143 votes -
Have an option to indicate urinated while standing up
Have an option to indicate that boys urinated while standing up, or tried to, when still training, so know if boys stood or sat while attempting
1 vote -
Allow teachers to choose lessons from more than one level ie. Primary & LE
Our Elementary teachers are inputting many lessons that are built into the Primary curriculum in TC. Is there a way to merge or for them to have access to both?
30 votes -
add a feature to track the student tuition payment and monthly fees
I am referring to the ability to track my school's billing seeing student's first tuition and the monthly fees, by each one, putting a checkmark in each student/month when it is on time and a X when is delayed/pending or cmpletely unpaid. It could include a "date" mark, to control the deadlines and an "active/inactive since ..." button because some students will start and probably some will leave during the school term.
7 votes -
Add a "Number of Students Present" to attendance page.
Please add a "running total" number to track the quantity of students in the classroom at that time, so we can know how many students are present.
5 votes -
5 votes
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