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  1. Right now , each of the cell under progress and plan is only allowed us to rated the children according to different ratings . it would be nice if we can get an extra comment box for each cell, for us to type in more details. The comment box would be similar idea as the Excel Sheet in microsoft. It only shown when the cursor goes near to the particular cell.

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  2. We charge for childcare for early drop off and late pick up compared to their program time.

    Parents want to be able to see what their totals are but it only shows the late pick up time under the student view that the parents can see.

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  3. In forms, there is a field called “signature”, that requires a click to sign.
    Is there a way to have a field for freeform signatures, as used in attendance sign-ins?

    I need to create forms where both the parents and adolescents need to sign by hand (to agree to the new EU data usage policy, for example). And I’d like to avoid keeping them as paper forms.

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  4. It would be great to be able to add general notes for a child directly from their page rather than going back to the activity page. I like to scan over what they have been doing for the week and add a little summary of behavior and/or a note to share with parents and would love to be able to see what else has been recorded for the week while doing so.

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  5. I would like to be able to easily find the siblings in my program and have them listed last name first so that it looks like Smith, John vs John Smith.

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  6. When downloading multiple pictures using the upload photos process, have the pictures upload sequentially into TC.

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  7. It would be really great if we could have an HR section for staff, where we can make staff observations (incl. peer on peer), feedback etc. and for the staff member to also feedback and reflect...ideal for appraisals. Also, Staff Forms, where they can fill in forms for things like absence/leave requests, health declaration, yearly safeguarding updates, sickness self-certification. Thanks!

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  8. There are many activities such as administer progress monitoring, collect follow up assignment, conduct specific observations, etc, that I'd love to be able to schedule within my Lesson Plan Page. As a public Montessori school, there are a number of state-mandated requirements that are not part of our Montessori scope of lessons that still need to be addressed and completed. Reminders of these expectations along side daily lesson plans would be so incredibly helpful when it comes to daily organization!

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  9. We often learn through singing! I believe our parents would enjoy seeing a video of us singing as a group or learning at circle time.

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  10. It would be nice if TC would make it possible for parents to upload a picture of each emergency contact and also a picture of the people not allowed to pick up their child. This would be helpful to staff to tell who someone is. A name alone doesn't always register with staff.

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  11. It would be nice if the lessons stacked up in the '?' column were printed at the bottom of my 'by day' planning page in case I find time to fit in another group during a day.

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  12. We would love to have a calendar feature that we could use internally among the staff or externally with enrolled parents, by selecting what groups or individuals should see each entry. This would be helpful to remind staff when we have visitors coming, staff or level meetings planned, staff availability/schedule changes, etc. The parents could see things such as school community events, deadline reminders, in-service days or holiday breaks, parent education events, etc. I would also love to have the option to place reminders visible to just me or just me and my team. Sort of like having a google…

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  13. Create the ability to add a teacher's jpeg signature under their profile so that it can be included in Conference Reports if you wish. This would be a nice professional looking touch to the reports. The teacher's photo could also be added to the report.

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  14. I would like the ability to make Emergency Contacts a required field. Many of our parents will skip this field if allowed.

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  15. Allow names to be sorted by Last Night First (I am an admin, so the attendance feature is what I use)

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  16. For those of us who are forgetful it would be great to somehow be reminded when it’s a child’s birthday without having to look at the birthday screen. A special icon on the attendance page, perhaps?

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  17. Option to delete all untagged photos.

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  18. Hi,

    A great feature would be the ability to enter our school calendar so that we can see when a day is closed when taking attendance. or if weekends were shown as not school days on attendance.

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  19. It would be helpful to have the capability to upload students' documents (writing, specifically) into their portfolios.

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  20. For planning purposes, allow the same lesson for the same child to be entered over multiple days e.g. Sam needs to have a lesson on "puzzle words level one" every day for the next week.

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