1825 results found
add signature in daily attendance report
California requires legible signature of authorized person signing the children in and out. It would be good to be able to show them a daily report of the legible signatures of the people signing the children in and out. The report can then be automatically generated at the end of the day and automatically purged 30 days later. This will save us having to have a separate daily (paper )sign-in sheet.
1 vote -
Acceptance email
For school enrollment: create a way to send an email to parents when offering acceptance into your program. In which they have "accept" the offer and have to create an account within a certain number of days.
3 votes -
Attendance change: We would like for there to be an automatic tardy if a parent signs in after the set school hours start time.
It takes extra time for us to go back and mark everyone tardy everyday. It seems as though if we set the time window of school hours that TC could easily set up an automatic tardy feature (or one that we could elect to choose) so that this is an option for schools.
15 votes -
Make it possible to search for lessons by the Chapter Title and/or the Subchapter Title(s) on the Activity Page
it would be very helpful to be able to search for a presentation/lesson on the Activity Page, even if I do not know the exact name of the lesson (but I do know the chapter of my album that it is in).
Example: If present a lesson from the "Prelude to the Winds" subchapter in "The Work of Air" chapter in my Elementary Geography album, it would be fantastic if all of the lessons in the Work of Air chapter (Elementary Geography) would pop up when I type in #workofair. And it would be helpful if typing in #Prelude would…
1 vote -
Tagging lessons
It would be nice if when you tag a lesson, while making an observation note, that it would not automatically mark that you gave the child the lesson.
2 votes -
add a feature to denote which students receive services
I’d really like a way to see which students receive services (for my school, it’s IEPs and 504s, but for other schools it may be less formal). This is particularly needed when doing the classroom enrollment balancing graphs.
4 votes -
Add Daily Tracking shortcut to the vertical menu.
Include Daily Tracking on the left-hand menu for easy access.
4 votes -
Required fields - tables
Would like to be able to make fields within tables required when building forms, so that mandatory information can't be missed, removed, or otherwise left blank by a parent/guardian.
10 votes -
Report # of Lessons Planned by Child AND Area
As we look at teacher planning, we want to make sure that teachers are planning lessons across the curriculum for each child. We need to see a report that's a cross between the "Child Lessons by Area" and "School Planning/Reporting by Area". We want to see how many lessons were PLANNED for each child in each area. The Child Lessons by Area report only shows how many lessons were GIVEN. The School Planning report shows you how many lessons were planned in each area by CLASSROOM, but we need to see by CHILD. We need to count how many lessons…
7 votes -
Change concentration interval time on TC app
I love the concentration feature on the TC app. However, I would like to be able to adjust the interval time to something shorter than 15 minutes.
1 vote -
Add a "Locked By Another User" button in Conference Report
Add a "Locked By Another User" button in draft Conference Reports. Our Middle and Upper School classrooms have multiple teachers editing each student's Conference Report, and one teacher could overwrite another teacher’s input in a given report if they’re editing it at the same time.
5 votes -
Birth to 2 Yrs: Diapering Option &/or Remove Accept/Decline Toileting Requirement
Toileting - this age is not quite old enough for the accept/decline option to show to parents. It makes it seem as though we are pushing toilet training early and can cause undue stress. Two suggestions: 1) Create a Diapering option within Daily Tracking or 2) Remove or make optional the currently required accept/decline buttons
10 votes -
Daily Tracker Reply to Go to Teacher Instead of Admin
Can we have it set up where if a parent were to have a question about the Daily Tracker/Report that when they hit "reply" it goes back to the teacher rather than to the admin staff? If not, have it come from a <no reply> email so parents will have to email teachers directly with their questions.
2 votes -
Make "Plan Followup"/"Plan Next Lesson" accessible from Activity page
Currently, "Plan Followup" and "Plan Next Lesson" are only accessible from the Lesson Plan page while recording a lesson, or, if you have to access it later, by clicking 'Activity' at the bottom of the page then waiting...then clicking Previous Activity and waiting....then scrolling to find that lesson....then clicking "Plan Followup". Couldn't those same links be added to the Activity page, where it already has options to mark entries with "Portfolio, Edit, Delete"?
4 votes -
Who chose the activity?
I would love to be able to mark if the activity I observe/record was chosen by the child or offered by the teacher (could be a checkbox).
3 votes -
Notification of Changes to Parent Contact Information
It is VERY important to us to have the most up-to-date contact information for our parents, and to be sure we update it in all our record-keeping systems. The Admin->Changes page is not easy to search or determine what specific change was made. I would like to have either an email notification to a school administrator, or some other easy way to see any time a parent makes changes to their phone number or email address.
22 votes -
link the concentration interval to the last logged activity the child was doing
Link the concentration interval to the last logged activity the child was doing
1 vote -
Allow pending forms
I'd like an assistant to fill out a form, signs it, be able to mark it pending so it could be adjusted if needed by a guide or second assistant. It would be sent after a second person viewed it or would automatically send at the end of the day.
This would be helpful for notifying parents of injuries while verifying the form was filled out appropriately.
5 votes -
Immunization Notes
Add a section for notes so that if an immunization is due/overdue, one could note when it is scheduled, or reason for delay.
4 votes -
internal messaging system
It would be great for teacher privacy and also parents privacy within the directory whilst still being able to communicate, to have an internal messaging system within your software, with internal inboxes for each parent and member of staff.
143 votes
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