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  1. in reviewing children who left after last year, it would be helpful if there were a "central location" to retrieve completed EXIT SURVEYs in ADMIN section.
    AND- an ability to RESEND the survey, either automatically after a month, or manually because it could have been "lost" in a parent's overflowing inbox.
    Thank you

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  3. while I like the feature of the blue button top right "Mark all P" for attendance purposes, it would also be really nice if there were a button above every row that you could click to apply all. So for instance, if there were a button or a box I could check above Absent, or above Closed, that would save me a lot of time clicking each invdividual kid on a snow day or calamity day. Thanks

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  4. Please add "child.classroom_ids" to the "comes from" to the comes from option to the form input options.

    We download and print some forms outside of TC. Such as Incident/Injury and Field Trip. We need to organize the forms by classroom.
    Currently we take the child's name or child ID from the form data and the looking up the classroom ID from the children data.
    Having the child's classroom listed on a form would eliminate this separate step.

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  5. hola! estoy intentando cambiar un correo electrónico de un profesor y me indica que el correo nuevo ya está en uso. No encuentro donde está en uso ni quien lo usa. ¿Qué debo hacer? No aparece esta característica en la ayuda. Gracias!

    mi correo es

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  6. I would like buttons on the activity page that say introduced, practiced and mastered
    rather than having to type it out

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  7. Conference Reports - Add Document - Body -
    has poor user-friendliness because one must have a good knowledge of computer programming for this to work. One should be able to type directly into a form, but editable columns and rows. As a tip for ease of use, Paper in Dropbox can be a good example of a good system.
    We want to use conference reports more, but since it is so poorly user-friendly, it means that it is not used at all.

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  8. we need a way to record student physical growth periodically

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  9. Hi.
    I have a couple of questions about features in meetings.
    1. Why is not the person recording/writing in Meetings logged, like when we logg activities?
    2. Why are we not able to use enter to make paragraphs.
    3. Why is there no possibility to make bulletpoints or to set in a simple table?

    This is features that would be very useful for us using Meetings on a daily basis.

    Regards Ingebjørg Monstad

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  10. progress and plan in groups (within same class)

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  11. Draft of forms, fill out teacher elements and save in draft form before notifying parent of a form to sign.

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  12. I would love to attach Photos with forms

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  13. some tearchers could NOT have permissions to edit lesson_sets

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  14. I think that Transparent Classroom needs an emergency alert function. Neither email nor the text feature reliably notifies parents in an emergency situation and it is unreasonable for staff to individually call 200 parents. It is also unreasonable for schools to use two completely separate systems for parent/teacher communications.

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  15. We need to be able to export the following DATA for Australian NSW Government reporting:

    Child Details Including Disability
    Parent/ Carer details
    Enrolment particulars

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  16. Privacy of Client Details - at present, parents are able to access other parents details through tagged photos. How can we prevent this from happening as the constitutes a breach of privacy as per the POPIA Act of South Africa. Kindly address as a matter of urgency. Thank you

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  17. Is it possible to change the date format to dd/mm/yyyy? Could that date format be loaded onto TC as an option?

    Please advise

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  18. add to API the ability to promote and demote the status of forms. I want to mass "accept" forms that have been submitted. and be able to demote to requested forms that do not meet criteria.

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  19. Volunteer Permissions - to give Room Parents a way to make posts/announcements and view the parents in the directory WITHOUT giving them access to sensitive student information.

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  20. A nice feature would be a rotation of quotes, or quotes to select from that is relevant to your classroom. For example, I would like this message to be received by currently enrolled families. "Our care of the child should be governed, not
    by the desire to make them learn things, but by the endeavor always to keep burning within them that light which is called intelligence."

    ― Maria Montessori

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