progress master function for some works
Master function for CHP progress report. North america puzzle map does not master function. Could you please add M function for the progress report.
Hi Yung Chi,
There are two types of lessons in Transparent Classroom, masterable and ongoing. By default the Puzzle Maps are listed and ongoing, which means they do not have include the “Mastered” level.
To change this you can customize your scale for masterable lessons by going to [Admin] > [Lesson sets] > [Settings] > check the box next to “Customize scales” > update the key words for ongoing lessons > [Save].
Alternatively, you could change the lesson type for specific lessons by going to [Lessons] > clicking on the lesson to move into edit mode > use the drop down menu in the lower left to select “Masterable” > [Save].
Please feel free to email us at if you have any questions about that or if there is anything else we can do to assist you.