A place to follow-up with follow-up work in the elementary.
Whether it is assigned follow-up or child generated, I would love a place where I could record the chosen work, the children involved and the due date. I am currently keeping track of this on paper, but it would be nice to have it here.
We have implemented support for follow ups in the by-day plan. Let us know what you think!
korinne commented
It seems to me that if we could just drag a Lesson Box from the Lessons Box view onto a calendar, with the ability to add a note about the agreed upon follow up, that would do it for me. The children's names could be checked and they drop off as they complete the work. This would be an enormous time saver, it's tough to track follow up in an efficient manner
Susan Clark commented
Is this idea DOA? I just watched the meetings tutorial and still can't see that it will help me much.
Still hoping to be able to record that a child or group has had a lesson at the end of the day and then transfer that group easily to another day for a check in meeting about their follow up work. Usually the check in meeting occur 2 - 7 days after the lesson.
Susan -
Susan Clark commented
The meetings page still means that I have to go into each ind child's record to record his/her follow up. I'd rather have a place to write "Wednesday -Work of Air- JS, CS, LL, and NT" I did find something called Week at a Glance which would be the perfect place to plug in this information, but it too is only found under an ind child and it does not seem to be editable. Could I have a week at a glance option on the home page? I could record upcoming due dates. It would be perfect. There is a tab on the home page called calendar but it is not a calendar, it seems to be a link to a primary calendar lessons.
Jeremy Lightsmith commented
Susan, have you tried the meetings page? Does that work for you? If not, tell us more...