Offer a way to generate conference reports for the whole class at once
Rather than having to generate conference reports individually for each child, it would be lovely to be able to generate reports for the entire class with one click.
Anonymous commented
You can do this now. Maybe this wasn't an option back when you posted this request?
Anonymous commented
Thacher Montessori agrees. This would be a convenient feature.
Karen French commented
This would be a great time saving feature. Thanks for reviewing!
Meagan Ledendecker commented
Please, please, please! I generate the conference reports for every classroom and it takes me forever to have to go in and generate each one individually. Plus, if I realize that I have made an error (like not changing the heading to Fall 2017) then I have to go back and delete each report for each child and recreate each report for each child. It takes forever and is the only aspect of Transparent Classroom that I've found to not be user friendly. :-)