add a Monthly plan, so we can sort lessons by weeks (1st, 2nd, etc)
We've planned the lessons in sequences further ahead than a week, but the current plan options print out everything as if it were for 1 week.
It would be great to be able to drag/ assign lessons into future weeks plans, and print them by week.
If a lesson is not given or the plan changes, we can go back and reassign that lesson into the future.
We love how it works, but we planned a bit ahead of a week and ended up printing the plan, cutting and sorting lessons by week and pasting them into different pages. (lessons for week 1, lessons for week 2, etc).
If we could do the same without the paper, it'd be great.
Thanks, great work!
This is now implemented on the by day plan! Let us know what you think.
Paige commented
Even if you can't create a monthly plan, at LEAST give us a second week to work with!
Meagan Ledendecker commented
Yes, please! A yearly plan that could connect to a monthly plan that could connect to the week plan would be amazing.
Anonymous commented
It would be great to have all of my class planning and record keeping in one place (TC). This would include yearly, monthly and weekly planning. In the current system, if I try to add too much to the weekly plan, it becomes overwhelming and is hard to manipulate.
Anonymous commented
These are wonderful ideas and is very much needed. I like to plan much further than a week.
Anonymous commented
It would also be great if we could have a monthly plan in which we could see lessons introduced and the dates that the children have agreed to complete the follow up work and agreements about what they are planning to do. For example, in the elementary room, if I give a lesson on the parts of the flower, the group of children may agree that they will explore/dissect other flowers by the same day next week.