Check in Progress if there is a photo associated to an activity for an specific child
Dear Developer. I have a suggestion. I am sorry for my poor English. If it is not understandable I can send a video in Whatsapp showing my suggestion ( My suggestion is about this link
It's difficult to manage and see in the Progress if a photo was upload and associated with an activity. Manually you can change the status of activity, for example, from N (Need More) to M (Mastered), however it would be wonderful to know if there is at least one photo of this activity with this child. When the teacher uses @ and # automatically it would add in Progress a symbol like +. Instead showing M it would show M+ and clicking on it you can go to the photo(s). This is important because the school principal could check more easily if all activities have or not photos in order to publish the portfolio. Best regards and an excellent day, Marcelo.