Print emergency contacts and authorized adults for all children in a class
I would like to be able to print an emergency contact list for a whole class so that the information is readily available to teachers without having to look it up on a computer.
Carolina Magana commented
download children info as emergency card
Hi! You can definitely do this right now. If you go to the [Children] page you will see three columns with headings: Sort By, Age, and Parents. Next to 'sort by' and 'parents' you will see some arrows. If you click on either of those headings you will get a dropdown menu with different options you can view. Under the "parents" dropdown menu you can choose from a variety of options, including, but not limited to, parents, approved adults, emergency contacts, allergies, and birthdays. You can print any of these lists by using your keyboard shortcuts (Command+p on a mac, or Control+p on a PC).
Selkirk Reception commented
Will this ever be possible?