Allow Video uploads
We often learn through singing! I believe our parents would enjoy seeing a video of us singing as a group or learning at circle time.

Jv Luna commented
Request feature: please add a way to be able to upload short video clips, or at least embed links into the children’s portfolio. Thank you!
Equipo Directivo commented
Hello, we want tu suggest a videos and a better app because families can not see everyday nothing , only in the computer
Claudia Gonzalez Diaz commented
ability to upload videos
Casey Miller commented
There needs to be a way to send videos to parents individually.
Marina Ridley commented
videos for parents to see
Staff - commented
We would really love the feature to upload videos from both school environment and for parents too. They can really capture so many elements of a child's development. thank you
KellyAlice Robinson commented
Please allow video to be uploaded. It's far too important nowadays and the families would like to see this kind of content from their children's classrooms.
Nadine Brandson commented
Good Morning! We would desperately love to be able to upload video clips to childrens activity files. We frequently take videos of children working and have nowhere to store them within the child's records.
Sarah Brumberg commented
It would be great if there was a feature that parents could comment back on a posted activity that their child was tagged in.
Also, videos. We need to be able to upload videos.
Erika Lasmarias commented
Be able to upload and share videos of children to parents (the same way as photos)
Cova Cosmen commented
Sharing videos with families
Caroline Chow commented
Two requests -
1. I'd love to be able to add videos a little more easily (i.e. without having to go through YouTube first) - it would be great to be able to share videos of the children working, as well as videos of read-alouds for children to watch at home.
2. It would be AMAZING if the app would allow for tagging photos in app, instead of only being able to upload and then having to go to a computer to tag the photos.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! This platform has been absolutely incredible for me and for the families - we all love it so much! -
Donna Koontz commented
Our schools rely heavily on the usage of Transparent Classroom for our parents, especially now that most schools are not allowing parents to enter the schools. LePort Montessori is no exception to parents being unable to observe their children within the Montessori environment.
It would be so helpful for the teachers to be able to upload short videos of their child in a social setting, as that is what has been missing for many of our children during this extremely isolating period of time.
Would you consider adding this as a feature to Transparent Classroom? A snapshot into the classroom is amazing, but how wonderful to see your child engaging with another or in action!
Thank you for considering this!
Amber Senn commented
It would be great to be able to upload videos of the children at work and at play! There are many videos that are so beautiful and I can’t share them with the families!!
Thank you!
Amber -
Erin Hennigan commented
Some our guides have been sharing short videos via email, and parents LOVE it! It would be fantastic to include this in TC.
Anonymous commented
I realize this is a HUGE undertaking, but my director recently found a different tracking prgram that provides video lessons for every Montessori activity. Transparent Classroom is FAR superior in the tracking area, but this feature would make it a one-stop shopping tool for the 21st Century Montessori studio!
(Lessons can be played for older children as an introduction, and used as a reminder for guides before giving lessons when it has been a while.) -
Monica commented
We are wondering if we can upload videos on TC. Parents have shown a big interest in learning more about how we present lessons and what it looks like when their child is practicing a lesson individually. They have also requested to have access to their child's progress on the app. Right now they can only access pictures.
Hi, I just wanted to let you all know a work-around for adding videos to Transparent Classroom. Although we don't support videos yet, but if you have a YouTube channel, this is how to embed a video in TC.
The first case is when you want to share a video of a child with the parents:
First, go to the child’s page and click on “Conference Reports”, then “Add Document”. Name the document “Child’s Videos”. Then in the body of the document, use the YouTube button to get the formatting, and copy in the link to their video. If you’re concerned about privacy, there is a setting for videos in YouTube called “unlisted” – meaning, only people who have the link can view the video.
The second case is when you wants to add a video to a lesson description. The formatting is exactly the same, but the current lesson editor doesn’t have the YouTube button so just type in "youtube. (link)". The space after the period and before the link is very important.
Please feel free to email us if you have any questions about this.
Hi, I just wanted to let you all know a work-around for adding videos to Transparent Classroom. Although we don't support videos yet, but if you have a YouTube channel, this is how to embed a video in TC.
The first case is when you want to share a video of a child with the parents:
First, go to the child’s page and click on “Conference Reports”, then “Add Document”. Name the document “Child’s Videos”. Then in the body of the document, use the YouTube button to get the formatting, and copy in the link to their video. If you’re concerned about privacy, there is a setting for videos in YouTube called “unlisted” – meaning, only people who have the link can view the video.
The second case is when you wants to add a video to a lesson description. The formatting is exactly the same, but the current lesson editor doesn’t have the YouTube button so just type in "youtube. (link)". The space after the period and before the link is very important.
Please feel free to email us if you have any questions about this.
Hi, I just wanted to let you all know a work-around for adding videos to Transparent Classroom. Although we don't support videos yet, but if you have a YouTube channel, this is how to embed a video in TC.
The first case is when you want to share a video of a child with the parents:
First, go to the child’s page and click on “Conference Reports”, then “Add Document”. Name the document “Child’s Videos”. Then in the body of the document, use the YouTube button to get the formatting, and copy in the link to their video. If you’re concerned about privacy, there is a setting for videos in YouTube called “unlisted” – meaning, only people who have the link can view the video.
The second case is when you wants to add a video to a lesson description. The formatting is exactly the same, but the current lesson editor doesn’t have the YouTube button so just type in "youtube. (link)". The space after the period and before the link is very important.
Please feel free to email us if you have any questions about this.