Automated notification with absence
Safety feature - if a child is absent or tardy a notice would be sent to parent to confirm their absence
Tricia Lang commented
We have a difficult time tracking down absentee notes for children who are away - something required for our Ministry of Education audit. Other schools automatically notify parents if their child is marked absent. We really need a system to notify parents to send an absentee note when their child is away.
Jenny Cline commented
I would love to see a feature that notifies administration when a child is nearing truancy status. It would be so helpful if TC could send a notification when a student is getting close to going over the allowed number or tardies and/or absences for any given semester
Katelyn Bohn commented
Due to all of the unfortunate cases of children being left in the car because their parents forgot to sign them in. One of our parents suggest an automatic notification system to let parents know if their child hasn't been signed in for the day, in hopes this would prevent something like this from ever occurring.
Betsy commented
Can TC offer schools the option for sending automatic notices to parents when a child reaches a certain number of tardies or absences? It would be great to have the ability to create an accompanying letter with the notice that goes out to parents. Overseeing the number of tardies/absences for every child is overwhelming...
Heather King commented
(For Admin purposes) Be able to locate, create a list of school wide (all classes) absences, "click to email all parents."