Need to name bottles, how many times a bottle was offered, and how many ounces consumed at each offering.
I would like to be able to name each bottle for the daily tracking (e.g. Bottle #1, Bottle #2, etc.) and be able to record how many ounces were consumed. That way, we can keep track of which bottle was offered, how many times it was offered, and how much was consumed at each offering. This feature is important for a Nido in the state of Minnesota because licensing requires that we expire bottles after one hour. We want to be able to offer the bottle at least two times within the hour. This means we also need to have an easy way of recording and keeping track of each bottle to avoid confusion and to be efficient with our time. It would be too cumbersome to have to refer to the "notes" area to try to figure out which bottle was given at any recorded time.
Due to this issue, we have opted not to use the daily tracking at this time.