create a system for tracking behavior and observations relating to behavior
Perhaps through meeting notes, or on the Activity page, create a system for tracking behavior. Perhaps along with each behavioral observation certain data could be entered so that trends can be more easily analyzed (time of day, location, possible motivation, classmates/adult involved, type of behavior). This data could then be linked to some sort of spreadsheet or other system that would help create a visual of the data.

Anonymous commented
We are definitely needing to assess executive functioning (ability to plan, prioritize, organize, self-regulate etc).
Classroom B commented
what you are describing is a form we used for documenting a behavior issue with a child on The form was created with 5 questions that had a 1 to 5 scale rating and a place for comment. Once information was there, it would go into pie charts and excel sheets. This could be a template idea for transparent classroom to include with their software..
Emily Wharton commented
I would even suggest a separate tab per student specifically for observations. These observations would not be to share with parents but could provide teachers with not only a useful tool to detect behavioral patterns but also a dated log of these events which can later be useful in developing an IEP. For convenience, we could enter in the observations in the activity page and tag the students but choose to send it to the child's personal observation page so teachers and even administration can easily view the dated entries.
Sam Scheidler commented
I like the idea of this, although I'm a little unsure if converting behavioral observations to data on a spreadsheet is very useful.