I suggest you create an algorithm to measure the progress within a specific lesson area.
The algorithm would be based on the number of lessons in that area and the progress within each lesson. For example, the progress in long division would be connected to all the lessons on racks and tubes, the stamp game, and finally, the long division algorithm on paper. Each lesson would have a score attached to the progress (e.g. not yet introduced = 1, introduced = 2, needs practice = 3, practicing = 4, proficient = 5). Then let's say long division has a total of 10 lessons mapped to it, the score for long division would automatically be generated in the spreadsheet by averaging those 10 numbers. It would be 1 if none of those lessons have been introduced. If it is a new topic for the child, it would likely average out to 2, and if they are making a lot of progress and proficient in most lessons linked to that area, it would likely average out to be close to 4.