Reports: Child Lessons By Area- Option to See the Individual Lessons/Works Recorded when Hovering Over the Number.
When I'm on the Child Lessons by Area page I can see how many lessons or works a child did in each area of the classroom in the table of shaded boxes. Also, I can hover my cursor over the box that says the number of lessons/observations in a given area and a text box pops up. But now, that box just repeats the number ("6 observations). Instead of just repeating the number, could the text box that pops up list the specific lessons/observations/works that were logged and are being used to populate the number in the box? (So instead of "6 observations", the text box over the number shaded in square with the number 6 might say "Spooning, Pouring, Button Frame, Snap Frame, Banana Slicing, Washing Dishes").